This week, we are delighted to share our AW Member Q+A with Tricia Scalzo. I had the pleasure of speaking with Tricia during her first quarter in our program. I reached out to see how she was doing and to hear her thoughts on her coach and group. Tricia was enthusiastic about her progress on her goals and full of great suggestions for building more community at AW, which I greatly appreciated. I hope you enjoy reading Tricia’s Q+A and getting to know a valued member of our community a little better.


Tricia Scalzo

My true north/WHY is…

Helping Others. Every day in my recruiting business, I help people looking for a job or trying to hire for their team. I truly feel that this career has been ideal for me. I get the opportunity to utilize my need to help and support others through a major life change.

My expertise/zone of genius is…

Planning and Organizing! I’ve always enjoyed buying new planners and organizing my life within them. I have a passion for setting up and tracking items for home, family, work, goals, etc. I use an online planner that I absolutely love ( Every week I choose a new cover and stickers, and I use the daily view. I’ve come a long way from carrying my full-sized planner everywhere! 😊

My daily practices are… 

Morning: My day starts with my morning routine which includes chores, making coffee, daily prayers, and setting up my three top business items to complete for the day. Once I finish all these items, I feel ready to start my workday.

End of Workday: At the end of the workday, I take a walk outside in our neighborhood. It helps me to release the stress of the day. In addition, while walking, I take a photo each day of something that catches my attention. I’ve got a photo album on my phone of some wonderful photos of flowers, trees, and skylines. I haven’t missed a daily walk yet in 2024!

Evening: My evenings are spent having dinner, relaxing, watching sports or a show, and prepping for the next day. I review my calendar and scan my emails at the end of the day to have a sense of what is coming up the following day.

My favorite indulgence is…


I’m reading, listening and/or watching…

Currently, I’m reading “The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster” by Darren Hardy. The book was published in 2015 but the lessons inside are timeless. It feels like Darren is talking directly to me. I love his direct approach and his stories about other entrepreneurs.

To me, accountability is…

Taking the items you want to accomplish and having outside individuals collaborate with you to achieve those goals. I’ve always set goals but, having an accountability partner or team evaluating my weekly progress makes all the difference for me!

Accountability Works helps me…

In more ways than I could have imagined! I’ve followed AW for several years and attended the planning webinars before joining. This is my first year participating in the program and I wish I would have become a member sooner. I value the sense of community, the insightful coaching, the deeper focus on my goals, and the personal growth that I’m achieving. I’m learning to release the guilt when something isn’t completed to perfection, and I’ve rediscovered my love for writing since joining the AW group.

You can connect with me or learn more about what I do…

Executive Recruiter for Accounting and Finance Roles. I provide customized recruiting services in the San Francisco Bay Area to locate well-qualified Accounting and Finance managers/executives to help companies effectively manage revenue and expenses to impact the bottom line.





Thank you, Tricia, for being this quarter’s member q+a!