AW Member Q+A with Deepa Menon
This week, we are delighted to share our AW Member Q+A with Deepa Menon. Deepa joined AW during our last special fall session and then continued on into our 1-year program. I had the pleasure of speaking with Deepa during the first quarter of this year. Deepa had...
Summer Wellness Interview Series: Nutrition and Physical Health
In our third installment of the Summer Wellness Interview Series, join AW Coach and Co-Founder Marissa Boisvert as she interviews AW Coach and Nutrition and Women’s Fitness Specialist, Amanda Hogberg. Here is a quick listening guide: How did you become interested...
Summer Wellness Interview Series: Brain Health
In our second installment of the Summer Wellness Interview Series, join AW Coach and Co-Founder Marissa Boisvert as she interviews AW Coach and Brain Health Expert, Becky Brown. Becky has so many good nuggets to share about how brain health impacts women and what to...
Summer Wellness Interview Series: Sleep
This week, we are so happy to introduce our first installment of our Summer Wellness Interview Series, which we are kicking off with the topic of sleep. We hope you enjoy Marissa’s interview with AW Coach and sleep expert, Kelly Day O’Brien. This summer we...
AW Member Q+A with Tricia Scalzo
This week, we are delighted to share our AW Member Q+A with Tricia Scalzo. I had the pleasure of speaking with Tricia during her first quarter in our program. I reached out to see how she was doing and to hear her thoughts on her coach and group. Tricia was...
Negativity Bias and Accountability Coaching
The negativity bias is a cognitive phenomenon where you tend to give more weight to negative events or outcomes than to similar positive ones. While we may intuitively understand this bias, it's helpful to look at where it shows up and why. For us, it’s especially...
Tracking Family Phone Time
This week, I’m tying together the themes of our last two posts with a personal example of how we are approaching screen time via observation without judgment in our household. I hope you find our family phone time check-in anecdote helpful if you are navigating a...
The Secret to Effective Accountability: Observation without Judgment
As you may know, we define Mindful Accountability as observation without judgment. Our work is based on the observer effect, meaning that the act of observation changes the phenomena being observed. In this case, the act of observing you means that you are more likely...
Navigating Distraction, Accountability, and Social Media
This week, we’ve decided to replace our normal post with an extended book recommendation. Given that the nature of our work is to help people avoid distraction and focus on what matters most to them, it was illuminating to read this book and see the impacts of social...
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