Have important things to get done?

Need to ensure consistency and

Outsmart procrastination?

Accountability Works.

Join a group!

Need to ensure consistency?

Outsmart procrastination?

Accountability Works.

Join a group!


Interested in trying out our program before you sign up for the full year?

We offer a special Fall 12-Week Session.

Enrollment closes September 20, 2024

Session Dates:

September 30 to December 20, 2024

Our founder, Ali, on the POWER of putting COMMUNITY around your GOALS

None of us are perfect.

Which means, although you might WANT to stay the course, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will — no matter what a HUGE difference it would make.

And usually, all that’s missing is one crucial piece:

Mindful Accountability™


Our 2025 1-Year Small Group Membership

Accountability Groups Work

Our 1-Year Small Group Coaching Program

Supports Small Business Owners and Professionals

who Desire Structure and Accountability to Ensure

Focus, Follow Through, and Results.

Enrollment Opens December 2024

Our UNIQUE Framework



We always start with vision. This gives you a larger framework to work with, informs your why, and makes it possible to set aligned goals. No one signs up for Accountability Works that isn’t driven. However, drive paired with a deeply compelling why can be the difference between hitting snooze or jumping out of bed with excitement.  We want to make sure that you are working on the right goals, at the right time, based on what you want to accomplish in the long-term.



Typically when you join our program you have an idea of what you want to work on. Our job is to take that idea and help you crystallize it into measurable results. We help you set goals in two areas – professional growth and personal foundation. You will have the chance to set your 1-Year goals in each area and then we will break them down into quarterly goals. We limit the number of goals to 5 to per year or 1-3 goals per 12-week session. (Although you probably have a ton of stuff you want to work on or improve, we’ve learned that it is more effective to focus on few and get them done.) 



Your strategy is how you will approach each goal. Every goal that you set requires a strategy. This is your best guess as to how you are going to accomplish your goal. We help you think through your goal from beginning, middle to end stages and develop a 3-part strategy. By breaking your goals into distinct steps you avoid overwhelm, are able to identify whether or not your strategy is working faster, and can be proactive about your next steps. Developing a strategy helps you to evaluate your goals and think of them more practically. We like to say that your goals are written in stone but your strategy is written in pencil. You can always change your strategy as you learn what is working, the most important thing is to know your first move. 



Commitment is when planning and strategy turn into implementation. They are the workhorse of the AW Process. On each weekly call with your group, your coach will ask what action steps you would like to commit to in service of your goals. They will also hold you accountable to your previous week’s commitments. It’s the commitments that you make and keep that create the results that you want. Without commitment there is no accountability



We provide mindful accountability to help you stay committed by observing how your week went, giving you direct feedback, and tracking your progress. Your coach will ask you questions to help you gain understanding so that you are always increasing awareness, making better, more aligned choices, and ultimately creating the results that you want. 

Our Process is designed to make sure that you have the structure you need to stay focused, take action and create the momentum that in turn adds up to the big changes you want to see.

There is no expectation of perfection nevertheless the result is always impactful, measurable progress. 

Whatever your goals may be… Accountability Works.

The Accountability Works® 1-Year Small Group Coaching Program Includes:

1-Year Planning Call

(1) Private 90-minute 1-Year Planning Call with your coach to articulate your vision for the year, set 3-5 goals, and create a strategy for accomplishing them that can easily be translated into your quarterly sessions. It’s important that you take the time to set the right goals that’s why we work with you individually to make sure they are aligned with your vision and high impact. Our clients typically leave this call with a sense of relief, clarity, and an ambitious yet doable plan of action.

Quarterly Planning Calls

(3) Private 45-minute Quarterly Planning Calls with your coach to walk you step-by-step through articulating your quarterly goals based on your 1-year goals + re-evaluate your strategy.

Year Round Accountability Groups to Support Your Goals

(4) 12-Week Accountability Group Sessions. The groups are coach-led and comprised of 3 members max that meet over Zoom. This weekly accountability meeting is the cornerstone of our program and what sets it apart. After you’ve kicked off each quarter with your individual planning call, you will meet weekly with your group, establishing the important habit of showing up, being held accountable to your commitments, giving and receiving feedback and working towards your most important goals.You are held accountable to your commitments which are the exact actions that might otherwise fall by the wayside or be forgotten. Taking consistent action is essential to accomplishing your goals and it translates into every area of your life.

Year In Review

(1) Private 45-minute Year in Review Call. This is the last call of the year. It is an opportunity to see how far you’ve come over the last 12 months! Since we value meticulous tracking and note-taking we literally take you back in time to where you started. You will be in amazement at how much you accomplished.

The Accountability Works App!

Your membership includes our proprietary Accountability Works App. It's important to have one place to see your weekly commitments, phases of your strategy, and your goals. This means there is no forgetting what you are working on. It also creates transparency between you, your accountability group members and your coach. This way you can see everything you've accomplished, update your strategy and check in every week on your commitments as you work towards completing your goals.

Support + Community

This is not an anonymous program where you work online by yourself. We believe in bringing together real people, in real time, who want to make significant, measurable progress on their goals. You can not underestimate the value that comes from being in an accountability group with like-minded, growth-oriented individuals who are all there to make progress towards their goals. Couple that with a skilled accountability coach and you have the perfect combination of support and community that makes our program so effective.

Wondering about our accountability groups? Listen to our members.


Once you commit, we are here to help you get there.

Accountability Works.


Once you commit, we are here to help you get there.

Accountability Works.

The group was amazing and had a large impact on both my business production and personal life because it took accountability and personal responsibility to a whole new level.

Darlene Espinoza

Senior Loan Officer, Banker/Broker, Cross Country

My time with AW thus far has been a dream come true.  Helping me build up my business has taught me so much but mostly about myself and how I work.  By alternately holding my hand, cracking the whip and being my cheerleader I’ve learned the most important lesson and that is to get out of my own way.  Truly.

Amy Fritz

Organization Coach, Thoughtful Organizing

It’s so much fun on week 12, to look back to Week 1 and what I was working on. Even though sometimes weekly it doesn’t feel like I’ve done all that much, when I look back I can see how far I’ve come. And when I scroll through my notes from this time last year or this time two years ago, I’m amazed at how much I’ve accomplished.

Karen Sergeant

Operations Consultant for Small Businesses, Bottleneck Rx

2025 Accountability Groups

January  6 – December 19, 2025

1-Year Small Group Coaching Program Includes:

(1) 90 Minute 1:1 Year Planning Call
Week of January 6th
(4) 12-Week Accountability Small Group Sessions
Winter: January 6th – March 28th
Spring: April 7th – June 27th
Summer: July 7th – September 26th
Fall: September 29th – December 19th
(3) 45 Minute 1:1 Quarterly Planning Calls
Spring: Week of April 7th
Summer: Week of July 7th
Fall: Week of September 29th
(1) 45 Minute 1:1 Year in Review Call
Week of December 15th
An experienced AW certified coach
Accountability Groups are limited to 3 people max
Access to our proprietary app to keep track of your progress all year long