[2015 Update: Holy Moly, I can’t say enough amazing things about B-School. Not only did I have my best year ever (enrolled more groups, raised my prices, re-did my website myself, and created & launched my first online course) but I learned more than I ever thought possible. Not just from B-School itself but from the B-School community and in particular the B-School Facebook group. I found my new website designer, my copy writer, my finance guru, and made so many valuable connections – more than I could ever list. I must admit I am an online course junkie. I love them. But I can’t always keep up.
If you’ve ever signed up for a course and not finished it or gotten so far behind you couldn’t take advantage of the live training, webinars, or Q&A calls you know what I mean. My accountability group was the #1 reason I finished every single B-School Module and FunSheet, attended office hours, and went through all the bonuses, in 8 weeks. I committed every week to doing what was assigned. Having a group to share the experience with helped me so much. The 4 of us had diverse backgrounds and were at different places in our businesses. Our conversations were full of ideas and inspiration. We had a private Facebook group where we interacted between calls and that helped keep us on track too. I want to extend that same support to anyone that wants accountability for their B-School experience. That’s 8 – one hour small group accountability calls. One for each week of B-School. Plus, this year you’ll have the extra bonus of having someone that’s already been through B-School facilitating the group. For $200 bucks – wow, half my normal rate. Why? Because, I so believe in Marie’s B-School that I want to give back and support anyone that is willing to make the investment in themselves and their business. If that’s you, click here to contact me.]
Marie Forleo’s B-School has been blowing up my inbox for the last few weeks. I’m a big fan of Marie Forleo and if you don’t know who she is you should check her out. She is an online business and personal development thought leader. Through MarieTV I’ve been introduced to some of my favorite online personalities, like Vani Hari a.k.a FoodBabe. I have thought about enrolling in B-School, her online business program, when I started Accountability Works but could never decide if it was for me. The focus is on building an online business and although I have an online presence most of my clients come to me by referral. I appreciate that so much because it allows me to work with great people and their friends and loved ones. I can honestly say I have the best clients.
However, one of the things that happened pretty early on what that one of my clients felt so connected to the work that I was doing that she asked if I would consider teaching her how to do it too. That was such a happy time for me because in my heart, I am a teacher, and it motivated me to put a group together and figure out lesson plans, reading lists, and course materials and a way to deliver content virtually. Hence, the Accountability Works Certification was born.
Teaching really is the best way to learn anything and working with the coaches has been inspiring for me but it has also forced me to ask what’s next? The answer of course, is as it always is, I want to help others grow. To do that I have to push myself and what I need to learn right this second is how to further the online portion of my business. I’m so excited to finally have the clarity to make the commitment.
As I was discussing all of this with one of my cherished clients, she suggested that I start an accountability group to support B-Schoolers! Duh, why didn’t I think of that? I jumped on the idea, and now Shauna Lay, an Accountability Works Certified coach, will be facilitating the group and I’ll be in it. There’s more room so if you are going to B-School too and want in let us know – we’d love to have you! I’ve done other virtual programs including one of Robin Sharma’s and another from Brene Brown. I have to say even when it’s great work, that you love to do, with all of life’s other demands it’s still easy to get behind. Knowing that I have an accountability group specifically tailored to this program makes me so much more confident that I’ll be able to squeeze as much value out of my investment as possible.
Another thing that I did was sign up through an affiliate link. By signing up through an affiliate you can get other amazing bonuses. Some of the affiliates include Danielle Laporte, Kris Carr, Gabrielle Bernstein, Laura Roeder, and so many others. I actually picked someone who I hadn’t heard of before I decided to pull the trigger on B-School. I chose Amy Porterfield, because her offering was the most relevant to where I am now in my business. Also, she is accessible, I sent her an email and she got back to me right away. But the biggest thing was her Mastermind Day in San Diego. In this online world I sometimes miss real live people! That’s one reason I loved the Vision360 retreat so much. I got to hug and squeeze my clients. See their faces and connect the way you only can in person. I thought Amy was offering the best of both worlds.
B-School is a bonus, but even better is knowing where I want to take my business and knowing that I am doing what it takes to get there, now that is pretty cool.
Hi Ali! I have just stumbled onto your great site thru B-School, (which is turning out to be a big eye-opening experience!) I see that your accountability classes are already starting and I would love to hear more about the group or future groups if I could. Thank you!
Fun & happy day, Denise
Hi Denise, So nice to hear from you. I am enrolling right now so I added you to the email list. I’m so happy to meet a fellow B-Schooler. I agree it has been eye-opening. My favorite part has been all the people and information sharing, I wasn’t expecting that part at all! Keep in touch, Ali
B-School & the accountability group to support it is just the kick in the booty I need! I can wait to get started and see where it takes us all! Cheers, Dale
Oh my goodness…is there still room to join your accountability group? This is my first year of B-School too. I signed up through Melanie Duncan who has a bonus with Amy Porterfield. 🙂
I am so happy to hear from you, will email you about the group directly. Congratulations on making the commitment to grow your online business! 🙂 Ali