Meet AW Coach Amanda Hogberg
We are excited to share our Accountability Coach Q+A with Amanda Hogberg. Amanda is our most tenured coach, and we are so grateful to have her forthright wit and steadiness. She is authentic, kind, no nonsense, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have her on the team. We hope you enjoy learning more about her.
Why did you become a coach?
I became a coach because I hated seeing my friends undervalue themselves and the women around me struggling with their weight and body image. Coaching was a game changer for me when dealing with my own body image issues, life stressors, and starting my own business. I knew I wanted to share what I learned to help others skip any of the unnecessary suffering I experienced for so many years.
Plus, I really like people. 😊 And it feels incredible to help someone have a better life!
Why are you an accountability coach for AW?
I started with AW as a client. I saw first hand how transformative the work being done here was. I watched myself complete something in 3 months that I had been dragging my feet on for close to a year. (and I consider myself a fairly motivated person!)
As a coach, the company’s values and approach were so closely aligned with my own beliefs and that was important to me. So it was a no brainer. I continue to coach with AW because I have never felt more supported and appreciated by another company that I have worked for. This is a Best in Class organization.
What are 2 values you embody and 1 you aspire to?
I embody honesty and integrity. I aspire to feel secure. While I feel it in some areas of my life, I don’t feel it in all areas… this is definitely a work in progress for me.
At this time, what practices make you feel your best and make up your Personal Foundation?
Hands down: movement.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it and what did it feel like being at your edge?
This week. My business coach suggested I DM someone I didn’t know, but who “liked” my content. I felt like I wanted to throw up. Social media has always been challenging for me….I am more of a lurker by nature! Ha! But to go from lurker to active engager…sooooo uncomfortable.
My favorite stress reliever is…
Walking/playing with my dog. Unless it is literally impossible, I never miss my daily dog walk. I don’t listen to music or podcasts when I walk. It’s just me, him, and Mother Nature. My brain needs the break from stimulation and it allows me to destress and deal with what’s taking up space in my thoughts.
My happy place is…
At the beach with a book. Boat drink, optional.
The book, movie, podcast, etc. that I’m most excited about right now …
I’ve been reading Outlive by Peter Attia. The sticky notes littering this book are out of control!
To me, accountability is…
My mom always taught me that I was only as good as my word. It’s easy to do what you say you’re going to do when someone else is depending on you, but what about when that someone is you? To me, accountability is just another way to say that I am only as good as my word. Even when the person counting on my word is just me.
We hope you enjoyed learning more about Amanda, stay tuned for our next quarterly Accountability Coach Q+A. If you are interested in learning more about our coach certification program click here.