Last year I wrote a post called Practicing Massive Gratitude and it was about making a practice out of being grateful. Over the year I have seen the impact of intentionally being grateful. I started with trying to change my thoughts around what I didn’t have as I explain in the video. I went on to journal about things that I was grateful for a few times a week. Then I started to put myself to bed at night thinking of all the things that I was grateful for. That was and still is one of my favorite ways to practice gratitude. I started to work gratitude into my family culture. Not forcing it but modeling it. We started talking about what we were grateful for at dinner or at bedtime depending on how the day flowed. Sometimes I got answers sometimes I got ignored. But over time its become part of our routine and something they want to talk about. Bringing gratitude to my children has filled me with so much joy and added so many moments of feeling connected to them in a very special way. Now I use gratitude for all sorts of things, to manifest what I want – I feel grateful for it. To overcome fear – I stop and feel grateful. To savor the moment – I feel grateful for the preciousness of it. Gratitude has become a state I can easily put myself into, throughout the day, that connects me to who I really am. Gratitude has opened me up. I once read that gratitude is like a valve that opens you up and allows you to flow. When you find yourself in a place of resistance, fear, or cut off from love – get into your gratitude. It wakes you up to the beauty of who you are and how amazing it is that you are alive.
Thank you for reading this, I am massively grateful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Tee hee 🙂
Love all your posts!