In our third installment of the Summer Wellness Interview Series, join  AW Coach and Co-Founder Marissa Boisvert as she interviews AW Coach and Nutrition and Women’s Fitness Specialist, Amanda Hogberg.


Here is a quick listening guide:

  1. How did you become interested in developing your expertise in nutrition and personal training? (0:26)
  2. What are the top 3 issues that people come to see you for? (3:32)
  3. Are these the top issues whether it’s a man or woman? (5:08)
  4. Do you see a shift from it going from weight-loss to strengthening? (5:30)
  5. Where do you start with someone who wants to make any change in their physical health? (7:36)
  6. What are your top 3 recommendations or resources for people that want to be healthier and stronger? (12:58)
  7. How does accountability support someone in their nutrition and exercise? (18:06Loved the statistic about exerting 20-25% more effort at the gym when someone else is watching! Wow!

We hope you find Amanda’s insights helpful and motivating as you work towards your health and fitness goals. Enjoy the interview!

Amanda had so many resources we are adding a list below: