This weekend we held the Vision360 retreat and it was incredible. I had in my mind so many doubts and worries about pulling off the technology and providing value in a new format that I completely forgot how much I love to teach about Vision and how good the material is (if I do say so myself).
Once we got into our retreat space I knew it was going to be amazing. The place we rented looked like a Balinese beach shack. We pulled out all our materials and it felt like we had evolved from retreat leaders to some high tech version of our former selves. Two Macbooks, a DSLR camera, a tripod, two iPhones, and so many software programs it makes my head spin.
Shauna and I first created the material in a cabin in Big Sur, we delivered it live last year at a yoga retreat center in the Santa Barbara mountains, and now via the internet from this little shack. Traci, our production manager, graphic designer, and soul sister was there to create her vision and give us real time feedback and help with the filming. We were prepped and ready to go.
We shared the material every morning and evening via live webinar. The webinar’s were interactive. Partipants could raise their hands and talk and share and ask questions. If they missed the webinar it was all recorded so that they could watch it later. We were adding all the material to the back end of the site as we recorded it so that participants would have access later. We sent out a morning mediation and yoga practice to support the processes. The meditation we recorded at 5:30am in semi-darkness in the backyard next to this waterfall. I used my iPhone and had it uploaded to YouTube in less than 5 minutes and sent the link in the 7am email that went out to everyone. It was so much fun to have that experience and be able to share it that quickly.
The feedback was incredible, we were getting emails, texts, and people were posting their work on our private Facebook page. Every message that came in made us laugh and smile. It was so fun to share in this new way.
We not only taught the processes but we did them as well. In real time so we were in the same space as everyone, a space of self-discovery and introspection. We could have easily said we’ve done all this stuff already but going back to it and through it was invaluable.
Personally, I realized as I always seem to when I do this work what an incredible life I have. So many of my dreams have come true. My marriage, my children, moving our family to Santa Barbara, my business. All former dreams, all things I once cut out of magazines and wished would come to pass – have.
It gave me the biggest sense of ease. I felt so relaxed and grateful and I realized I can be as driven as I am and yet hold what I want with a lightness.
And that’s the place I always come to with vision. Clear on the ways I want to grow and evolve. Knowing what I want to experience next and at the same time deeply rooted in a sense of gratitude. Knowing I’m on the right path and that there is no need to rush because all the joy I’ll ever need is right here, right now.
Thank you, Nicole!!
Thank you, Robin. And thank you for being a part of the retreat. It was so fun to share this whole experience with you!
Beautiful, amazing and awesome!
That is just beautiful, Ali.