Schedules are turned upside down, a heatwave came through town that had us digging the fans out of the garage, and if we want the kids in bed by 8pm we are going to have to invest in blackout shades.
Don’t get me wrong, summer is awesome, but it requires a change of attitude and a change of pace.
So given that your normal routines may have gone out the window for the time being or maybe you just want to take advantage of the laid back nature of summer and spend more time with family and friends I urge you to simplify your expectations. In order to do that ask yourself these 3 questions.
1. What one thing do I want to accomplish this summer?
2. What one thing do I need to accomplish this week? (Refer to #1)
3. What one thing do I need to get done today? (Refer to #2)
It may take a little time to answer #1. You may feel limited to focus on just one thing. But force yourself to figure out where the biggest win is for you right now and work towards it with single minded focus. Putting this into practice has been fun. BUT and this is big, I am committed to getting that one thing DONE.
I use the word committed intentionally here because I actually made specific “commitments” to what I was going to focus on each day last week on my accountability call. It kept me clear and on track. One day I completed my summer enrollment email, one day I finished on my course opt-in, and one day I updated my finances. I can’t wait to check in with my coach and let her know how it went. It went awesome! If you want that kind of support system and clear direction in your life, that’s exactly why I developed Accountability Works. I could not believe that more people didn’t have access to people helping them stay true to their biggest hopes and dreams.
Accountability Works is for people that are ready to work on their goals, professional or personal, right now. If that’s you, we’d love to have you. The summer session is starting the week of July 5th. You can learn more about the program and sign up here.