The funny thing about accountability is that even though we all know the word, our experience of it can range from game-changing to shame-ridden, and therefor how we use it can vary greatly. We thought it would be fun to share how our members define accountability. So let’s see what our members have to say.

Accountability is…

… Following through on what I said I was going to do. If I made a commitment, there was a strong reason behind the decision. Of course, this is typically something very challenging, but I know from experience that being held accountable in a supportive way has led me to living my best life. – Robin KelleyResume Preferred

… First and foremost, it’s doing what you say you’re going to do. After about 18 months in the program, I see it also as being honest, kind, and realistic. – Kate PrestoKIS Accounting

… Focusing on my goals so I can have the life and business I deserve. – Elaine Lou CartasBusiness and Career Coach for WOC + Allies

… A beautiful art that encompasses planning, action and awareness. There is tremendous beauty in what comes after I plan, commit to action and gain the awareness of why I didn’t complete a commitment. – Claudia Cordova Rucker, Beyond Ordinary Business 

… Knowing that the small steps I am taking everyday are bringing me closer to my larger vision for my life. Christine Hunter, Find Bliss Wellness

… Support that is different, it’s very personal. I can learn things through the structure and the guidance that accountability provides that I wouldn’t normally be able to learn. Karin Martin, Hawaiian Airlines Captain

… Making sure I get done the stuff that I already know need to get done.
There is a huge amount of power to being congruent with your goals. If you say you are going to do something, putting together the plan, working from the end to the beginning, mapping it out, and getting it done, I think is so crucially important. Ryan Gromfin, The Restaurant Boss

We bring humanity to Accountability. And, it works.

We can’t speak for everyone’s experiences, and it’s not our place to define it for you. Clearly, there is no one right way that Accountability adds value to your life.

But what we can promise you is that the way we deliver accountability is different from what’s out there. One of our members says that the reason our Program is so successful is because it’s the perfect mix of Structure and Compassion.

Regardless of how our members define accountability, the reason people come to us is because they want to be and stay committed. They feel ready to take the next step. There is something calling to them, and they are done putting it off or letting it fall by the wayside. It’s too important.

With over a decade of experience, we know firsthand that the path to whatever you want to create in your life involves a range of emotions and experiences. So our commitment is to bring you back to what you want (again and again) and to create a container where intentional consistent action is the norm. Where you are surrounded by a community that is going to support your goals and provide you with insight and feedback, until you realize that one step adding on to every other and somehow all that focus and consistency you desired has gotten you just where you wanted to go.

Are you in? If so, you can join here.