We just wrapped up our quarterly planning calls and thought you might like to follow along with our quarterly reflection and planning pages out of our AW 1-Year Planner (soon to be available for purchase). 

Part of what we have found is how valuable it is for our clients to reflect on the quarter that just passed before planning the quarter ahead. It’s so important that we made sure to include quarterly reflections into our AW Planner.

As we start to dig into the 4th quarter of the year, and the reality of whatever 2021 was or wasn’t starts to sink in we realize that people outside of our program could also benefit from these practices. That you might want to set aside a few minutes to both reflect and decide where to focus your time and energy for the remainder of the year. 

Use these 4 simple questions we use with our clients to help you:

  1. What is one thing you learned over the last quarter that you can apply to this quarter?
  2. What is 1 adjustment you would like to make to your schedule in the next quarter?
  3. Heading into the last 3 months of the year, what are your 1-3 top goals or priorities? 
  4. Assume it’s December 31st and you’ve accomplished everything you set out to do, how are you feeling, where are you at, what is going on with you? 

This third quarter has been interesting for all of us, but just remember that we grow from our challenges. If you’d like to take it a bit further you can get a sneak peek at the quarterly reflection and planning pages in our new Accountability Works planner,

Click here to download