The Intention-Behavior Gap
The intention-behavior gap is when your current actions don’t align with your past intentions. As accountability coaches, we view this gap as resistance. When the gap is large, resistance is high, when the gap is small resistance is low. Accountability serves to pull...
You Set Goals Now What?
You set goals for the year. You are excited and suddenly that first challenge shows up. Here are 3 mindset shifts that will help you pull through and keep going. 1. Value the process The biggest challenge with goals is the number of times you have to choose to follow...
My Planning Ritual
I always appreciate the quiet time after the holidays have passed, but before we are ready to dive back into our regular routine. This is when I like to do my personal planning ritual. Pulling Cards I get out my planner, which I can't crack open early for some reason,...
The 2022 Client Wins
The 2022 Results Are In!! We decided to break up our 2022 client wins into the main areas that they fell into. We saw 7 themes emerge across our small group program. The themes were work/life balance, time management, professional growth, personal growth, financial...
Being in an Accountability Group
Meet an Accountability Works Small Group This fall, we did something we have not done before with our accountability group program. We opened enrollment to NEW group members only for a special 12-week session. We understand that making a 1-year commitment is something...
AW 2022 Year In Review
Your Year in Review As we approach the end of the year and prepare to unplug for a bit, we wanted to gift you one of our favorite sections of the AW Planner and a beloved exercise within our community. Below you will find the 2022 Year in Review. Our Year In...
When Planners Don’t Go According to Plan
The AW 1-Year Undated Planner was one of our biggest departures from our wheelhouse of delivering accountability coaching and the occasional digital download to help people understand a particular aspect of our framework. The purpose of our planners was to fill the...
Great Leaders Create More Leaders
Last month I had the opportunity to attend a talk on Leadership. My favorite takeaway was someone offering the quote, ‘Great leaders create more leaders, not followers.’ Our clients are leaders, that’s a big reason they come to us for accountability. They typically...
Digital Wellness
I learned the term Digital Wellness from a talk I attended at my son’s school. I happened to be reading the book Stolen Focus that I shared in our latest edition of Read Watch Listen, so this topic was particularly interesting to me. It was given by recent college...
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