What’s Your Theme for 2025?

What’s Your Theme for 2025?

A theme serves as an aspirational guide, helping you stay intentional throughout the year ahead. For me, 2024’s theme—fun, freedom, and lightness—helped me embrace playfulness and curiosity. It felt especially poignant during a winter solstice celebration...
Myth #2: People Don’t Want or Like Being Held Accountable

Myth #2: People Don’t Want or Like Being Held Accountable

Welcome back to our series on the myths of accountability. This week, we’re tackling Myth #2: the belief that people don’t want or like being held accountable. Fortunately, this isn’t true—otherwise, we’d be out of business! An interesting statistic from the Harvard...
Balancing Self-Compassionate and Drive

Balancing Self-Compassionate and Drive

Balancing self-compassion and drive isn’t easy. Our clients tend to have plenty of drive. As you might imagine, if you seek out accountability, it’s because you have goals and you want to make sure you accomplish them. However, self-compassion tends to be in shorter...