If you’ve got a big project or goal that you either haven’t started or has stalled out, this post is for you. In over 10 years of coaching people to set goals and accomplish them I’ve learned that if you apply these same 3 rules over and over again you will get to...
I have been engrossed in Dan Ariely’s book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. I’m enjoying learning how human beings behave when it makes absolutely no logical sense to behave that way. My favorite nugget so far has given me a powerful...
You were so excited about your goal, project, endeavor. You named what you were going to do. Created a plan for accomplishing it. And you committed to it and got to work. But after working your plan for awhile things aren’t looking so good. Why? Because the luster...
I went to see an intuitive healer a few months ago and as I was sitting across from her the most pressing message she had for me was – LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. She went on to say when you are in the habit of ignoring your body it takes something catastrophic to get...
Last week I had the privilege of leading a mastermind retreat. The people that signed up for this 8-month mastermind program have huge stretch goals for 2017 and they have been working diligently and meeting every week virtually so I wanted to give them an opportunity...
It’s the summer solstice today and it has me thinking its time to celebrate the longer warmer days and the relaxed vibe that is so welcome and needed as part of our natural rhythms. I was running in the midday sun – which I never do – and feeling so deeply...