How to Keep Going when Things Get Tough

You didn’t hear from me last week for two reasons. One, I was on vacation and two, I was too disappointed to write. I didn’t make my income goal for the quarter. It’s discouraging because I just came off my best quarter ever and so I had a lot of momentum and...
A love letter

A love letter

This should have been a really hard week for me. It’s the busiest most stressful time in my business. But instead I laughed and laughed. I love you for that. I love you for how good you feel and how much light you bring into my life. And I know some weeks you...

Do You Need a Mental Detox?

This week one of my clients said offhandedly, “sometimes my mind is very polluted.” I loved it so much I wrote it down. That’s it exactly. Sometimes our minds are very polluted.  Her astute comment got me thinking about how to do a mental detox. Meditation is popular...
Vision and Resistance: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Vision and Resistance: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Last week I shared the Dream Big Guide to help you write a Vision for your future. If you haven’t done it yet – a lazy Sunday morning is the perfect time! If you have, than I wanted to share what I’ve learned about doing this work for a long time....

A Guide For Writing Your Vision

At the end of last year I did several workshops to help you plan a great 2016. Part of the workshop was to write a vision statement. Just one line to capture a snapshot of where you’d like to be at the end of 2016. This was by far the most difficult part for people. I...