by Ali Schiller | May 30, 2024
This week, we’ve decided to replace our normal post with an extended book recommendation. Given that the nature of our work is to help people avoid distraction and focus on what matters most to them, it was illuminating to read this book and see the impacts of social...
by Ali Schiller | May 17, 2024
I’m really enjoying working through BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits methodology with our coaching team. For us, it’s been a return to the basics of behavior change. The first time I read the book, I learned a lot, but I didn’t engage with the material as...
by Ali Schiller | May 2, 2024
I dream of being a minimalist. When I’m building a new workshop and I’m searching for pictures, I type in terms like minimalist plants. Minimalist desk. Minimalist office. Seriously, I love the clean lines and lack of clutter, but at home, my countertops are full of...
by Ali Schiller | Apr 25, 2024
Here at AW our group members have a variety of financial goals, from boosting income to debt reduction and long-term planning. This week, we are looking at something that will benefit all those goals: cleaner spending i.e. less waste and clutter. Spring Clean Your...
by Ali Schiller | Apr 11, 2024
If you are in our 1-year program, you know that this is the week that we revisit your 1-year goals and make any changes if needed. Why? Because when you plan your goals for January, you haven’t had the experience yet of trying to work on them. Once you’ve lived out...
by Ali Schiller | Jan 31, 2023
This month we are celebrating 10 years in our accountability coaching business! It’s hard to relate to the person I was when I started AW back in 2012. I was 35 years old, had two kids under the age of three, living in our first home as a family, with a shed in the...