by Ali Schiller | Jul 13, 2016
Have you ever set a really big goal with absolutely no idea how to go about accomplishing it? Me too. When I was 19 years old I set a goal to run a marathon and I was definitely not a runner. At the time I figured if I ran a marathon I’d lose weight, build my...
by Ali Schiller | Jun 24, 2016
Summer has arrived! Schedules are turned upside down, a heatwave came through town that had us digging the fans out of the garage, and if we want the kids in bed by 8pm we are going to have to invest in blackout shades. Don’t get me wrong, summer is awesome, but...
by Ali Schiller | Jun 15, 2016
Greetings from Cafe Josephine in Paris. It’s a chilly morning and I’m perched on the second floor of a lovely patisserie and bakery around the corner from the apartment that we rented for our 5 day stay here. I’m currently looking down over two counters – one...
by Ali Schiller | May 20, 2016
Accountability Works for a college studentMy niece, Marina, just got her first 3.6 GPA ever, in college no less. She is thrilled and I am thrilled for her. Marina has been interning with us for the last several months. Part of her internship is not only to help with...
by Ali Schiller | May 12, 2016
When I was in New York last October, I met Michael Roderick, who was introduced to me as a super connector. I took this to mean a person that knows everybody and is really good at networking. I was intimidated because that is a skill I don’t have and generally the...
by Ali Schiller | Apr 29, 2016
Let’s say you want to start a new business and in 3 months you want to be up and running. You’ve been meaning to write a business plan. Months ago, you found a one pager online that is specific to the business you want to start and after reviewing it you figure...