This month we are celebrating 10 years in our accountability coaching business! It’s hard to relate to the person I was when I started AW back in 2012. I was 35 years old, had two kids under the age of three, living in our first home as a family, with a shed in the...
The AW 1-Year Undated Planner was one of our biggest departures from our wheelhouse of delivering accountability coaching and the occasional digital download to help people understand a particular aspect of our framework. The purpose of our planners was to fill the...
Last month I had the opportunity to attend a talk on Leadership. My favorite takeaway was someone offering the quote, ‘Great leaders create more leaders, not followers.’ Our clients are leaders, that’s a big reason they come to us for accountability. They typically...
I learned the term Digital Wellness from a talk I attended at my son’s school. I happened to be reading the book Stolen Focus that I shared in our latest edition of Read Watch Listen, so this topic was particularly interesting to me. It was given by recent college...
Some of us love planning, others not so much, but either way I think we can agree that if we do take the time to plan, we want that time to be well spent. So let’s make sure to spend our time wisely and by avoiding these 3 Planning Pitfalls. #1 Setting...
This week I was listening to a Walking Meditation led by Thich Nhat Hanh that was recorded during a retreat in 2008. He was speaking to a group as they were doing a walking meditation and he talked about the power of walking together. To be sharing the intention of...