The Vision360 Recap Video

The Vision360 Recap Video

For 4 glorious days we explored vision from a place of vulnerability, connecting to how we really want to feel, creating with intention and love, and allowing ourselves to be seen. It was powerful. Next year, I hope you will join us.  
4 Words

4 Words This month we’ve been working overtime on creating ways for people to get in touch with what they want. One of the ways is the 4 Word Meditation included here. The purpose of this...
As if it were already done.

As if it were already done.

My mentor, taught me long ago to write your Vision from a present tense, as if it were already done. I took those words to heart and always write things from that point of view. For example my Vision states, I am a good listener, rather than, I would like to be a good...
Deciding how you want to be, at any age.

Deciding how you want to be, at any age.

Last week was really interesting because I carried around for days and days the idea of getting older, not 40 or 50 or 60 but really considered what it would be like to be 75, 85, and even 95 and what that would feel like. It started from a simple and honest question...