by Ali Schiller | Feb 19, 2015
It started at my annual exam when my doctor noticed my thyroid was enlarged. Hmmm, what’s your thyroid do anyway? The doctor said she wasn’t too worried but to be safe to get an ultrasound and have some blood work done. Ultrasound came back – the... by Ali Schiller | Feb 12, 2015
The title of this post is actually part of a larger quote from an essay written by E.M. Gray called “The Common Denominator of Success.” “The successful person has the habit of doing the things that failures don’t like to do,” he...
by Ali Schiller | Feb 5, 2015
A few months ago I read a book on creating wealth by Denise Duffield-Thomas. In the book she suggested finding small ways to upgrade your life. It didn’t have to be an expensive upgrade it could be something simple and relatively inexpensive. As I was reading...
by Ali Schiller | Jan 29, 2015
This weekend we held the Vision360 retreat and it was incredible. I had in my mind so many doubts and worries about pulling off the technology and providing value in a new format that I completely forgot how much I love to teach about Vision and how good the material... by Ali Schiller | Jan 1, 2015
Every year I come up with a theme for the year. Turns out I’m not the only one. I’m a little disappointed to find I’m not unique in this way but I’m encouraged that I’m not nuts in this respect either. So if you already have your theme... by Ali Schiller | Dec 24, 2014
Happy Holidays from my family to yours! We are signing off, logging out, and chilling out over here at Accountability Works but before we do I wanted to send out a little holiday love and say thank you for being a part of this community. Your participation in the...