Grit, the big secret is out.

Grit, the big secret is out.

I caught this TED Talk by educator Angela Lee Duckworth and it struck me when she said the biggest predictor of future success in students was not talent or IQ, but instead grit. Yup, grit. If you aren’t sure what that means, here’s her definition:...

My Strategy for Creating Good Habits

I got an email from Robin Sharma, suggesting that we institute the 90/90/1 habit. This means for the next 90 days, spend the first 90 minutes of your day, working on the 1 best opportunity in your life. I loved the suggestion, and I immediately thought, I’ll add...
The Force of Resistance

The Force of Resistance

How do you get through resistance? I was reading the War of Art by Steven Pressfield this week and I loved what he had to say about Resistance. He capitalizes it so I will too. He said that we all have to confront Resistance. He talked about the different forms of...
The 5 Benefits of Taking It Easy

The 5 Benefits of Taking It Easy

This morning on my beach run, I was contemplating the notion of easing in. I think I might be learning something here…finally. An example of not easing in is you make a commitment to workout 5 times a week for an hour when you haven’t been working out at...
The Comfort List

The Comfort List

I just took Brene Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection course through Oprah’s Lifeclass. Brene Brown researches shame and speaks and writes about it as well as imperfection, and what she calls wholehearted living. I highly recommend her TED talk, and her audio...

I’m going to B-School

[2015 Update: Holy Moly, I can’t say enough amazing things about B-School. Not only did I have my best year ever (enrolled more groups, raised my prices, re-did my website myself, and created & launched my first online course) but I learned more than I ever...