by Ali Schiller | Aug 26, 2021
You might have noticed that our logo looks very much like a compass pointing True North. Anyone who has created a logo knows the endless iterations and mind boggling variations one can take on a theme. Thank you, Maria Mariano, our extremely patient designer, for...
by Ali Schiller | Aug 20, 2021
Accountability Works Member Feature: Q+A with Claudia Cordova Rucker Before we dive into our Q+A with Claudia Cordova Rucker, we have to say a bit about where we are at. It’s mid-August and it seems like the theme around here is transitions. A shift from summer to...
by Ali Schiller | Jul 31, 2021
Sneak Peek at our New Planner! We all make plans. Plans for the future. Plans for vacation. Or my personal favorite, plans for how we want to accomplish our goals – whether that’s to achieve a financial goal, finish a race, or complete a backyard project. ...
by Ali Schiller | Jul 22, 2021
Accountability Works Member Feature: Q+A with Kate Presto For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the dog days of summer and holy heatwaves! We sure hope you are staying cool, embracing the sweet slowness of summer, and taking lots of sun-drenched cat...
by Ali Schiller | Jul 9, 2021
And we are back! Not sure if you noticed but we’ve been on break over here at Accountability Works. Family time, travel time, friend time, we experienced it all. We are happy to report that we are recharged and ready for an awesome 3rd quarter of the year. We hope you...
by Ali Schiller | Jun 11, 2021
Accountability Works Member Feature: Q+A with Robin Kelley It’s summer, kids are out of school, the sun is shining (most of the time) and there is a feeling of celebration and optimism in the air. What a perfect time to share our Q+A with Robin Kelley! Robin Kelley is...