There is money to be made in selling time.

There is money to be made in selling time.

I’m the kind of person that can look at my kids and feel sad because I can see them grown up and leaving for college. I feel the passing of time and it scares me and it makes me feel this pressure to do everything now. So when I focused an entire session on joy...

A Word on Worry

I don’t think of myself as a huge worrier but I find that in moments of experiencing something really good I can switch very quickly to feeling worried. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night gripped by worry over things that would not worry me for a...

It takes being present.

I spent my last session of Accountability Works focused on joy. I found that the number one thing preventing me from experiencing joy was not being present. I was too busy to be present. I was rushed. Multitasking. I was making the mistake of equating being busy with...
What makes your happy place happy?

What makes your happy place happy?

Do you have a happy place? A place you know you can go to relax and wash away your cares and hurts? A place where you remember who you are and what’s important to you?  I found mine 14 years ago when I came to Costa Rica for the first time. More than a dozen...

A Reminder to Take Imperfect Action

All week I have been reciting this mantra in my head. “Take imperfect action. Take imperfect action. Take imperfect action.” (I got this from Jadah Sellner’s talk at the World Domination Summit. Seriously, check her out, she is awesome.) Since...
This is no time to be a chickensh*t

This is no time to be a chickensh*t

The best line I heard at World Domination Summit for sure was uttered by Sandi Wheaton. She was an attendee who was brave enough to share her story in front of the jam packed theater. She said to herself after being laid off from her job of 10 years. “This is no...