The Gift of Indecision

The Gift of Indecision

I’ve been in that space lately where decisions are really difficult to make. It’s so much more fun to be super clear and know exactly what you want. It’s time for me to make changes and expand my business in a big way and I’m scared. There I...

3 Ways to Change your Brain

This week I got to attend a live webinar with Robin Sharma. If you don’t know who he is you should check him out. He is among the best of the best in the fields of personal development and leadership. The main reason I like him is because he has the most...
An Evening with Oprah

An Evening with Oprah

Last night, thanks to my very thoughtful husband, I got to see Oprah receive the Montecito Award at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. She sat on the stage with a reporter from the L.A. Times and was interviewed for almost two hours. Oprah with all her...

I Love Her

This is my beautiful and passionate friend, Gina Piper, she has taught me more about that power of Vision than anyone I know. Check out this video she just sent me, I know you will be inspired.  

The Do, Doing, Done Board

I can not in any way take credit for this idea. Some quick searches around the web will give you great resources in the form of images, books, and applications that can explain the Do, Doing, Done Board in more detail. However, I have to share it, if you have not...

Vision, Connection, and Taking it to Boston

As we get into the home stretch with the retreat just two weeks away (don’t worry you haven’t missed it, you can enroll here up until January 15th) what has really surprised me is the group of women that have enrolled. You know who decided to attend a...