A Meditation for Writing Your Vision

I have people across many of the groups making a commitment to read their Visions daily with great results. We all know that clarity and awareness are good things to have but we can struggle with finding practical ways to be more clear. Having a Vision and reading it...

Observation without judgment.

People tend to associate accountability with getting in trouble. Think about it, accountability is what’s called for when there is corporate or government mismanagement. In the workplace you think of being scrutinized through metrics & reviews. Not fun. But...
A Decluttering Exercise

A Decluttering Exercise

How much of your stuff are you using? It’s amazing how much we hold onto that we don’t need or use. Most of us have boxes of stuff stored away that we haven’t opened for months or years. Thinking about all the excess “stuff” we have...

Get in the Flow

Don’t you just love when you are in the flow? It’s like everything you do just works, you feel connected, focused, content. Well I’ve always thought saying that you are “in the flow” or “in the zone” was a way of phrasing a...

A stroke of luck

This week I took a strange dive into the world of stroke survival. I happened to pick up My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor. After seeing her interview with Oprah, I thought her incredible story about having a stroke at age 37 was something worth reading. If...

An Appreciation of Failure

This week I got great insight on failure at a talk given by Dom Sagolla, co-creator of Twitter and author of 140 characters. He meant to be telling us about success and innovation but what really stood out to me was what he said about failure. He said that as he went...