by Ali Schiller | Sep 18, 2013
I’m not sure how these waves make their way through the groups but inevitably they happen. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had over the last few weeks on purpose, vision, and figuring out what you want. It’s got me excited, happy,... by Ali Schiller | Sep 5, 2013
I’m back to work this week and it feels amazing. Being home over the last few weeks, unpacking, organizing, and exploring our new home and surroundings has been both exciting and exhausting. There is something deeply satisfying about getting back to business,... by Ali Schiller | Aug 29, 2013
Tonight I decided to try out a local fish market and while I was there I happened upon the definition of the Hawaiian word Kina’ole hanging on the wall behind the counter. Which just goes to show you just never know where you are going to find wisdom and... by Ali Schiller | Aug 22, 2013
It’s been five days since we moved, and it feels like I’ve fallen into a timeless state. It helps that my cell phone doesn’t work at my house, and it wasn’t until yesterday that the wireless started working. I have no idea what time it is... by Ali Schiller | Aug 9, 2013
So I fell down the front steps of my house and there I was on my knees wondering how I ended up there and then realizing I was officially not in the moment, not being conscious, not remembering to breathe. I was staying up late and getting up early, forgetting to eat,... by Ali Schiller | Jul 11, 2013
I have people across many of the groups making a commitment to read their Visions daily with great results. We all know that clarity and awareness are good things to have but we can struggle with finding practical ways to be more clear. Having a Vision and reading it...