Planning for Summer

Planning for Summer

Planning for Summer Planning for summer varies a bit from other times of the year but the overall process remains the same. Our goal is that you leave our calls knowing how you want to allocate your time and energy. We start by checking in with your 3-year vision...

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An Hour of Action

An Hour of Action

In times of uncertainty I’m writing this in the week that many of us are reeling from Supreme Court decisions. I am feeling grief and outrage. And most of all uncertainty. Uncertainty about the future. This uncertainty has reminded me of the power of action.  I don't...

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Slow Down

Slow Down

I recently had the opportunity to slow down and spend 5 days in the forest in Oregon at the Spirit Weavers Gathering. This was my third time attending and this year I made a reel so you can get a sense of what my experience looked like.  It takes a little bit of time...

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Set Yourself Up to Take a Stress Free Vacation

Set Yourself Up to Take a Stress Free Vacation

Before we dive into our top tips (and lessons learned) for setting yourself up to take a stress free vacation, let us be clear on what vacation means. When we use the word vacation we are not referring to a working vacation. Or a pretend vacation where you are on...

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All or Nothing Thinking

All or Nothing Thinking

One common struggle that our clients face is All or Nothing thinking. You might be familiar with this concept as it shows up for many of us in a few ways.  When you do something, you have to give it everything you have, anything less is failure. (ALL) You resent when...

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A Strong Personal Foundation

A Strong Personal Foundation

When we first started our group program, we weren't helping people create a strong personal foundation. Our clients would set quarterly goals and every week they made commitments to help them move closer to them. Then we held them accountable to those commitments. In...

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Read Watch Listen – 2022 #2

Read Watch Listen – 2022 #2

This week we are bringing you our quarterly Read Watch Listen recommendations. We mine these from our coaches, members, and community at large. So if you have your own, send them our way. Read: Emotional Agility by Susan David, PhD I loved this book on many different...

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Fun and Easy Process for Clarifying Your Values

I came across this fun and easy process for clarifying your values when I was reading Susan David's book, Emotional Agility (more on this next week when we share our Spring Read, Watch, Listen recommendations), when she presented the idea that we can clarify our...

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