by Ali Schiller | May 29, 2014
A while back I did an exercise where you had to make yourself permission slips. I didn’t think much of it at the time. But it must have sunk into my subconscious because as I have been going through my day to day the word permission keeps coming up. I’m... by Ali Schiller | May 22, 2014
The first definition that comes up when you google overwhelm is to bury or drown beneath a huge mass, which made me laugh and is not far off from what it feels like when you are overwhelmed. It’s like we are caught in a flood and we are doing everything we can...
by Ali Schiller | May 15, 2014
I’m back! I’ve actually forced myself not to write over the last two weeks. I needed to take a time out to shoot some video! I finished B-School, which was a great experience. Thanks to my accountability group, and Shauna Lay our fearless leader, I was... by Ali Schiller | Apr 24, 2014
This was so funny. One of my good friends and clients was telling her networking group about Accountability Works and they were curious to know more so she reached out to me for good resources on accountability groups. I figured I’d written several articles on...
by Ali Schiller | Apr 17, 2014
One of my favorite things in life is to be told a good story. The story is important yes, for sure, but the storyteller can be just as important or even more so. I went to see Malcolm Gladwell speak at the Arlington Theater here in Santa Barbara last week, not knowing... by Ali Schiller | Apr 10, 2014
Yesterday, I was reminded by one of my long time clients, that mastery is a process. He is a talented young man who has dedicated hours and hours, week after week to his passion. I know this because he makes commitment on top of commitment to stay the course, to...